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“Saturday” YAH’S Seventh Day or Man’s?
I ask all readers of this essay, if fact I’m begging you all to simply spare some change, not for myself but for YAH our Elohim and for HIS Son i.e. The Truth’s sake! You see YAHUAH Elohim & HIS Son Yahushua has convicted my heart of a fundamental truth that I’m about to share with you in this essay; this truth requires an open mind, therefore I ask that you put all preconceived notions aside before going any further. What I’m proposing in this essay requires great change on the participant’s part to accomplish; hence it’s title “Can you spare some change?”
That being said, I want to state for the record that within this essay my motivation isn’t to sell you on the “Lunar Sabbath” per se, but rather to open your eyes to the dense deception of that has permeated the hearts and minds of believers worldwide, that we might join our heads together in search of The Truth. Most people fail to recognize that our clocks, calendars, and maps are immensely confused today, that no sense can be made of them. Zero longitude was arbitrarily fixed at Greenwich England, instead of the Great Pyramid at Giza as it was for ages. The day begins at midnight, instead of at sunset or evening as scripture instructs. We have no idea if Monday actually relates to the correct position of the moon. We begin the year on January 1, when for thousands of years it began at the spring equinox. We have 12 months, yet any observer will see that the moon has 13 cycles in 365 days. If one would sincerely look it would be apparent that changes are needed. I can’t say with good conscience, that I have it all right, but I can with good conscience emphatically declare that the “Saturday Sabbath” as well as today’s reckoning of time in conjunction to the Gregorian calendar is definitely not in accordance with Scripture.
Alright, that being said I need you all to grab hold of your books, and turn to the chapter of “Common Sense”: Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t mean grab hold to your bibles yet, but rather the book of your heart, how many of you all know that your heart is as a book, for those of you who aren’t familiar with this concept, please do open your bibles:
Pro 3:3 Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart:
Pro 7:2 Keep my commandments, and live; and my law as the apple of thine eye.
Pro 7:3 Bind them upon thy fingers, write them upon the table of thine heart.
Heb 8:10 For this [is] the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the YAHUAH; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a Elohim, and they shall be to me a people:
Ok, now that we’ve scripturally established the principle that our hearts are as a book, let us proceed by opening the “book of our heart” to the chapter of “Common Sense”, now the dictionary defines “common sense” as good sense and sound judgment in practical matters: But this definition begs the question, what is good sense, so I’ve taken the liberty of looking up the word “sense” as well & the dictionary defines “sense” is a sane and realistic attitude to situations and problems. So again I ask you all to open the “book of your heart” to the chapter of “Common Sense”, that is open your hearts to a good sane & realistic attitude along with sound judgment in practical matters, for I’m going to present you with a problematic situation that pervade today’s Messianic society.
But before we consider the aforementioned problematic situation we’re going to look at some arbitrary problematic situations to make sure we’re both on the same page within this chapter of “Common Sense”!
It’s uncanny what “they say” whomever “they” are:
Do you suffer with headaches? They say if you cut your hair on Good Friday it’ll prevent headaches for the year to come.
Do you suffer with a cough? They say take a hair from the coughing person's head, put it between two slices of buttered bread, feed it to a dog, and say, "Eat well you hound, may you be sick and I be sound."
Do you suffer with a sty? They say stand at a crossroads and recite, sty, sty, leave my eye, and take the next one coming by; to relieve yourself of a sty.
They say “step on a crack and you’ll break your mama’s back; but if you step on a line and she’ll be fine.”
They say for good luck throughout the year, wear new clothes on Easter.
They say a child born on Good Friday and baptized on Easter Sunday has a gift of healing. If a boy, he should go into the ministry.
They say a person who dies on Good Friday will go right to heaven.
Do you still have the “book of your heart” open to the chapter of common sense; if so would you agree that these old beliefs i.e. superstitions are not only untrue, but preposterous as well.
Some may say or think that these sayings were just used as recreation and that people never really believed in such nonsense, but the truth is quite the contraire, let’s look at some of the effects that such preposterous beliefs/superstitions has left on our society:
Just like it is believed that the #13 is bad luck, even though the number 13 also has a lesser-known role as a lucky number! At the birth of our nation, thirteen colonies formed the original United States of America, a baker's dozen is considered a fortunate bargain, and if you are Jewish, age thirteen is your lucky time for a bar or bat mitzvah, The beginning of the ecclesia was made up of 13, the 12 disciples and the Messiah, the Cherokee Indians had a very strong admiration for the #13 as well as the Mayan’s who at times worshiped it for being the most revered number of their astrological calendar, & there’s always the argument that scripturally speaking there’s no such thing as good nor bad luck only blessings and cursing, but in spite of these things:
More than 80 percent of high-rises lack a 13th floor. Many airports skip the 13th gate. Airplanes have no 13th aisle.
Hospitals and hotels regularly have no room number 13. Italians omit the number 13 from their national lottery.
On streets in Florence, Italy, the house between number 12 and 14 is addressed as 12 and a half. Many cities do not have a 13th Street or a 13th Avenue
In France, socialites’ known as the quatorziens (fourteeners) once made themselves available as 14th guests to keep a dinner party from an unlucky fate. There’s even a phobia named after those who fear this number, triskaidekaphobia.
It’s even believed that if you have 13 letters in your name, you will have the devil's luck. Jack the Ripper, Charles Manson, Jeffrey Dahmer, Theodore Bundy and Albert De Salvo all have 13 letters in their names.
What I am attempting to convey to you is that many of these vain traditions or superstitions are still alive and well, and that there are many people who still live their lives by them, even today!
That being stated I now ask you, do the fact that that these beliefs/superstitions has survived centuries lend any credence to their validity? Of course not for when we look at them with a good sane & realistic attitude along with sound judgment, i.e. common sense, they don’t hold water.
I once done a fun little experiment with my church body to prove a point; I whispered this passage to someone in the front of the church and told them to do likewise until the passage reached the back of the room: “I was taught to always get dressed in this order 1st my socks, 2nd my undershirt, 3rd my pants, 4th my shirt, 5th my hat, 6th my coat and 7th my shoes”.
The conclusion of this little experiment was that the passage was hardly recognizable in comparison to the original passage and this was with just a room full people consisting of less than 50! Ok, that being said I need you to now turn “the book of your heart” to the chapter of “Probability” which by definition is the likelihood of something happening or being the case.
Rom 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of Elohim, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto Elohim, [which is] your reasonable service.
Rom 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of Elohim.
Considering the results of the aforementioned experiment, what do you think the probability of something being verbally passed down by men for thousands of years and not getting corrupted is?
It is YAH’S heavenly calendar that makes known to us what month it is in conjunction to HIS reckoning of time. Hence the ecclesial of Yahshua’s body worldwide look to HIS heavenly calendar for the keeping of HIS moedim i.e. HIS appointed times. For we know full well that today’s Gregorian calendar does not properly align with YAH’S calendar. This is evidenced in that the moon/month 1 of YAH’S calendar falls in either moon/month 3 or 4 of today’s Gregorian calendar and YAH’S 7th month falls in either month 9 or 10 in today’s Gregorian calendar. At times the Gregorian calendar tells us it’s the 28th or 31st day of the moon/month but according to YAH’S calendar there will never be a 28th or 31st day!
From the above example it is clear that YAH’S calendar and the Gregorian calendar are not in alignment; their moons/months and days have different names, their months start and end at different times; their months also vary in length with YAH’S moons/months always being either 29 or 30 days, whereas the Gregorian moons/months could be either 28, 29, 30, or 31 days in length, their days start and end at different times i.e. YAH’S is from sunset - sunset of the following day and the Gregorian’s is from 12 midnight – 12 midnight of the following day.
Ok, I need you to now turn the book of your mind back to the chapter of common sense for a moment i.e. I need you view this next point with “a good sane & realistic attitude along with sound judgment a good”. Which of these 2 vastly different calendars do you think YAH wants you to adhere to, the calendar HE made or the man-made calendar? The choice is obvious, is it not? YAH wants HIS children to adhere to the heavenly calendar, which HE made and told us, to use:
Gen 1:14 And Elohim said, Let light sources be in the expanse of the heavens, to divide between the day and the night. And let them be for signs and for (moedim) seasons, and for days and years.
With that being stated let us consider the word translated “seasons” it is (moedim), which means “appointed times”; is the Sabbath not an appointed time? Is it not a day? Some may not be as familiar with the Sabbath being a sign, but nonetheless it is also a sign?
Exo 31:13 And you speak to the sons of Israel, charging them, only My Sabbaths you shall keep; for it is a sign between Me and you for your generation; to know that I am YAHUAH your sanctifier.
Eze 20:19 I am YAHUAH your Elohim, walk in My statutes, and keep My judgments, and do them.
Eze 20:20 And guard My Sabbaths to keep them holy, and they shall be a sign between Me and you, that you may know that I am YAHUAH your Elohim.
Do you still have the book of your heart open to the chapter of common sense i.e. a good sane & realistic attitude accompanied with sound judgment? If so I want you now ask yourself why would YAH have us keep all HIS other moedim according to HIS heavenly calendar, but have us keep HIS weekly moedim in accordance to a man made calendar that is vastly different from HIS own and knowingly flawed?
1Co 14:33 For Elohim is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.
Please consider that YAH’S heavenly calendar is never in alignment with the Gregorian man made calendar never will you find them even being in the same month at the same time! Yet gainsayers will have you believe that YAH wants you to acknowledge HIS reckoning of time while simultaneously acknowledging the knowingly flawed Gregorian man made calendar!
For example they would have you believe that it is YAH’S will that we reckon January 1st as month one and day one of the new year, while at the same time acknowledging new-moon/month 1 and day one of YAH’S heavenly calendar, which can fall in either moon/month 3 or moon/month 4 of the Gregorian calendar as the beginning of the year! This is confusion is it not, how can one have two starts of the same year? Similarly, how can one have two 7th months within the same year i.e. July & Tishrei?
Another example is that they reckon the Feast of Unleavened Bread and the Feast of Tabernacles in accordance with YAH’S heavenly calendar i.e. New moons 1 & 7, but would have you believe that within the 7 days of these Feasts it is actually possible to have 3 Sabbaths i.e. the 1st day, the 7th day and “the Gregorian Saturday” that is if the Gregorian Saturday so happen to fall (as it often times do) betwixt the 1st day and the 7th day of these feast. Think about this for a moment; how can you have two 7th day rest periods within one 7 day period? Is this not confusion?
It is not only preposterous but a gross error, to think that two contradicting calendars both man’s & YAH’S can be simultaneously correct.
This Gregorian calendar that we utilize today did not come into use until 02/24/1582 by the authority of Pope Gregory XIII; and it in no way lines up with YAH’S calendar, for its New Year begins in the middle of winter, where YAHUAH’S New Year starts in the beginning of spring!
Gainsayers would have you to believe that the Gregorian numbering of the days line up with YAH’S for the keeping of the HIS 7th day moed/Sabbath but not the special Sabbaths i.e. moedim; in doing so rather knowingly or unknowingly, what they are suggesting is that from the time YAH commanded Israel to keep HIS Sabbath until now, the order of the days has been verbally handed down and kept in place without error and that it has always fell on a Saturday.
Now I want you to turn the book of your heart back to the chapter of probability, that is, the likelihood of something happening or being the case and reflect on the aforementioned experiment I did with my congregation. Now ask your self what is the probability of this happening? Well it just so happen that we have a Scriptural account of the first 7th day moed/Sabbath that YAH commanded Israel to keep:
Exo 16:22 And it came to pass, that on the sixth day they gathered twice as much bread, two omers for one man: and all the rulers of the congregation came and told Moses.
Exo 16:23 And he said unto them, This is that which YAHUAH hath said, To morrow is the rest of the holy sabbath unto YAHUAH: bake that which ye will bake to day, and seethe that ye will seethe; and that which remaineth over lay up for you to be kept until the morning.
If Saturday is always the Sabbath and the Sabbath is always on a Saturday then this would mean the first Sabbath Israel kept would likewise have been on a Saturday, correct? And if this were true it would also stand to reason that if day 7 always falls on a Saturday then likewise day 1 would always be on a Sunday, thereby maintaining the integrity of the “Gregorian week” for if day 1 changes then by default day 7 would also have to change, correct?
That being stated let us now do a little test to settle once and for all, rather or not YAH’S Holy Sabbath always fall on a Saturday! We Scripturally know when Israel’s first Sabbath “week” began and when it ended:
Exo 16:1 And they took their journey from Elim, and all the congregation of the children of Israel came unto the wilderness of Sin, which is between Elim and Sinai, on the fifteenth day of the second month after their departing out of the land of Egypt.
Exo 16:22 And it came to pass, that on the sixth day they gathered twice as much bread, two omers for one man: and all the rulers of the congregation came and told Moses.
Exo 16:23 And he said unto them, This is that which YAHUAH hath said, To morrow is the rest of the holy sabbath unto YAHUAH: bake that which ye will bake to day, and seethe that ye will seethe; and that which remaineth over lay up for you to be kept until the morning.
We’ll begin our count per Scripture with commencement of the 3rd week of month 2 i.e. 15th – 21st; for this was the first Sabbath Israel kept. Start from the lower right hand corner and work your way back…
Sun |
Mon |
Tues |
Wed |
Thurs |
Fri |
Sat |
Sun |
Mon |
Tues |
Wed |
Thur |
Fri |
Sat |
1 |
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28 |
29 |
30 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
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4 |
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6 |
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9 |
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20 |
21 |
As you can see according to the traditional reckoning of YAH’S 7th day moed/Sabbath i.e. the Sabbath is always “Saturday” month 1 day 1 would fall on a Friday, thereby proving that “Saturday” is not always the Sabbath! Noted I did use a 30-day month, so for the sake of fairness let us consider all variables of the Gregorian calendar.
Say for instance it was a 31-day month instead of a 30-day month, then month 1 day 1 would begin on “Saturday” can’t have day 1 on day 6, so that doesn’t work. Well what if it was a 28 or 29-day month? Then month 1 day 1 would begin on a Wednesday or Thursday this is no good either. Therefore if one still has the book of their heart open to the chapter of common sense i.e. a good sane & realistic attitude along with sound judgment they must conclude that “Saturday” is not always the Sabbath.
The Gregorian calendar repeats every 400 years, yet no century has started on a Sunday. The Jewish New Year seldom at best falls on a Sunday. Therefore if Sunday isn’t consistently day 1, then how can Saturday consistently be day 7? Selah.
Again I ask, can you spare some change?
The original months were by the new-moons and not just a count of 29 or 30 days and the original 7th day Sabbaths were by the moon and NOT just a count of 1 through 7 as we all have been erroneously taught.
It’s just make good sense that YAH an El of order and not confusion, would make the years via the equinoxes, the months via the new-moons, and the days via the sunrises & sunsets able to be accounted for from the Heavens without the aid of man, this way any and everyone who’d like to keep His moedim/appointed times could regardless of location…
On the other hand it doesn’t make good sense that an Elohim of order and not confusion would make 99%, that is, all except one of His modeim/appointed times to be accounted for in accordance to His Heavenly calendar, but have the one exception, the Sabbath, reckoned by a knowingly flawed man-made calendar. Selah.
It should be clear to see that “Saturday” has nothing to do with the heavenly calendar that Elohim appointed in (Gen 1:14); everything about it is pagan and has been from its conception. Please consider that under "Calendar" on page 1662 second column of the fifth volume of Funk and Wagnalls Standard Reference Encyclopedia of 1961, we find this statement:
“The week, which was based on the Mosaic law, that requires rest from labor every seventh day (Exodus 20: 9-10), was not recognized in the calendar of the ancient Greeks, and did not appear in the Roman Calendar until about 400 A. D.”!!!
If they didn’t have “weeks” how did they account for their days? According to webexibits.org
The answer is that the Romans did not have weekdays in the same sense as our Monday, Tuesday, etc., however, they did have a defined markers within each month. Originally, the month and the markers were based on the moon. At the time of their early kings, Roman months were of a length identical to the lunar cycle. Each month was divided into sections that ended on the day of one of the first three phases of the moon: new, first quarter or full. All days were referred to in terms of one of these three moon phase names, Kalends, Nones or Ides. At that time a pontifex (priest) was assigned to observe the sky. When he first sighted a thin lunar crescent he called out that there was a new moon and declared the next month had started. For centuries afterward, Romans referred to the first day of each month as Kalendae or Kalends from the Latin word calare (to announce solemnly, to call out). The word calendar was derived from this custom.
Day of Kalends:
Of the three sections, Kalends was the longest – it had more days than the other two combined. That’s because it spanned more than two lunar phases, starting from the day after full moon and continuing thru its last quarter and waning period, then past the dark new moon until another lunar crescent was sighted. The day of Kalends itself began a new month. It was dedicated to Juno, a principal goddess of the Roman Pantheon.
Day of Nones:
Nones (Latin nonus or ninth) was originally the day when the moon reached its first quarter phase. When the pontifex initially saw the lunar crescent he noted its width and, using empirical knowledge, calculated the number of days that were expected to elapse between then and the first quarter moon. He then specified that number after he announced the new crescent. If he called out the number six, the day following Kalends would be referred to as the sixth day before Nones. In any given year, the second day of Martius might well have been designated as the sixth of the Nones of March: "ante diem VI Non. Mart." If this were the case, Nones would be the seventh day and Ides would be the 15th day of that month. The difference between these two dates, eight days, was always the length of the Ides section.
Day of Ides:
Ides, dedicated to Jupiter, was originally the time of the full moon. Because a full moon comes halfway thru each lunation, its day was called Idus in Latin from an Etruscan word meaning "divide."
When did they stop using moons for months:
Romans separated their months from the lunar cycle in the fifth century B.C.E. Month lengths then became fixed. At that time, Ides was assigned as the 15th day in all months given 31 days in length – March, May, July and October. It was designated as the 13th day in all other months. As a result, from then on the Kalends section had from 16 to 19 days, the Nones section had either four or six days and the Ides section, as before, always had eight days. Sometime after Kalends, Nones and Ides were fixed on predetermined days of the month rather than being defined by phases of the moon, Romans used letters A thru H on the left side of each month’s calendar column to indicate days of their eight-day marketing week. The first day of each new year was represented by the letter "A."
The Roman Republican Calendar:
The so-called Roman republican calendar was supposedly introduced by the Etruscan Tarquinius Priscus (616-579 B.C.E.), according to tradition the fifth king of Rome. The Roman republican calendar was a dating system that evolved in Rome prior to the Christian era. According to legend, Romulus, the founder of Rome, instituted the calendar in about 738 B.C.E. This dating system, however, was probably a product of evolution from the Greek lunar calendar, which in turn was derived from the Babylonian. The original Roman calendar appears to have consisted only of 10 months and of a year of 304 days. The remaining 61¼ days were apparently ignored, resulting in a gap during the winter season. The months bore the names Martius, Aprilis, Maius, Juniius, Quintilis, Sextilis, September, October, November, and December–the last six names correspond to the Latin words for the numbers 5 through 10. The Roman ruler Numa Pompilius is credited with adding January at the beginning and February at the end of the calendar to create the 12-month year. In 452 B.C.E., February was moved between January and March. By the 1st century B.C.E., the Roman calendar had become hopelessly confused. The year, based on cycles and phases of the moon, totaled 355 days, about 10¼ days shorter than the solar year. The occasional intercalation of an extra month of 27 or 28 days, called Mercedonius, kept the calendar in step with the seasons. The confusion was compounded by political maneuvers. The Pontifex Maximus and the College of Pontiffs had the authority to alter the calendar, and they sometimes did so to reduce or extend the term of a particular magistrate or other public official. Finally, in 46 B.C.E., Julius Caesar initiated a thorough reform that resulted in the establishment of a new dating system, the Julian calendar.
The Julian Calendar:
Julius Caesar wanted the year to begin in January since it contained the festival of the god of gates (later the god of all beginnings), but expulsion of the Etruscan dynasty in 510 B.C.E. led to this particular reform’s being dropped. The Roman republican calendar still contained only 355 days, with February having 28 days; March, May, July, and October 31 days each; January, April, June, August, September, November, and December 29 days. It was basically a lunar calendar and short by 10¼ days of a 365¼ -day tropical year. In order to prevent it from becoming too far out of step with the seasons, an intercalary month, Intercalans, or Mercedonius (from merces, meaning wages, since workers were paid at this time of year), was inserted between February 23 and 24. It consisted of 27 or 28 days, added once every two years, and in historical times at least, the remaining five days of February were omitted. The intercalation was therefore equivalent to an additional 22 or 23 days, so that in a four-year period the total days in the calendar amounted to (4 x 355) + 22 + 23, or 1,465: this gave an average of 366.25 days per year. Intercalation was the duty of the Pontifices, a board that assisted the chief magistrate in his sacrificial functions. The reasons for their decisions were kept secret, but, because of some negligence and a measure of ignorance and corruption, the intercalations were irregular, and seasonal chaos resulted. In spite of this and the fact that it was over a day too long compared with the tropical year, much of the modified Roman republican calendar was carried over into the Gregorian calendar now in general use. The aforementioned are the pagan roots of the Gregorian calendar i.e. the worlds most popular calendar, utilized the world over, but now that you know its origins ask yourself would YAH use something as defiled as this to account for His Sabbath and sign betwixt Him and His people? Selah.
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